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Yearly Schedule For Lawn Maintenance In Ohio

February 15, 2023

February might be the shortest month of the year, but it can sometimes feel the longest. It is another month of cold weather and early nights.

February might be the shortest month of the year, but it can sometimes feel the longest. It is another month of cold weather and early nights.

So, before the warmer weather arrives, it is time to start thinking about spring now! It is a good idea to get a head start on your lawn care needs before the weeds start to pop up and any other lawn issues that might appear from the harsh winter.

There are many products out there that are said to make and keep your lawn healthy all year round. It can be overwhelming to know who to trust and what products to apply. To help streamline these efforts we have put together a seasonal guide for what you need to know for your seasonal lawn maintenance.

Winter Lawn Maintenance

Because we are experiencing winter now, let’s talk about what you need to be doing for lawn maintenance. Believe it or not, winter is the best time to prepare your lawn tools and equipment for the year. You will want to sharpen the blade of your mower to ensure an even cut as well as clean it thoroughly to remove any debris buildup that can lessen the machine’s performance.

Spring Lawn Maintenance

When snow begins to recede, the debris and dead grass it leaves behind don’t just affect the appearance of your lawn. Because of the trapped moisture and lack of circulation, these factors can cause fungal diseases such as snow mold that has the potential to damage or even kill grass. You can help prevent this by raking up debris and dead grass after snow melts.

When spring arrives and warm weather begins, broadleaf weeds and dandelions begin to germinate. By applying targeted pre-emergent herbicides early in the season, you can prevent these types of weeds from growing.

With warmer weather approaching, many are eager to get out on their lawn and start mowing the grass. It is best to wait until the grass reaches at least 2 inches tall so you can help prevent any injuries to the roots of the grass.

You can mow as often as you need to, but keep in mind that it’s best to cut grass when it’s dry and during periods of the day when there is less heat.


Summer Lawn Maintenance

With proper lawn maintenance in the springtime, your lawn is better equipped to handle the heat and stress of summer. But it is important to stay on top of the correct watering and mowing practices to achieve a thick, green lawn.

While you may be getting monthly fertilization and weed control treatments, watering your lawn is just as important for those treatments to be as effective as possible. Regular waterings of 1.5 – 2 inches per week are recommended in the summer to sustain color and vigor. This is due to the combination of high temperatures and extended periods without rainfall.

When mowing your lawn in the summer, you’ll want to remember to raise your mower to the highest notch possible. This will help block out weeds as well as shade the ground, so it’s protected from drying out.

Rather than bagging grass clippings after you mow, you can simply leave them on your lawn to feed nutrients back into the soil (in other words, act as a free fertilizer).

Fall Lawn Maintenance

After months of high temperatures and minimal rainfall, a root-building fertilizer will boost the strength of your lawn. Fall fertilization is more crucial in the sense that it establishes a strong root system to help lawns survive the harsh winter conditions we see in Ohio. The ideal time to apply fertilizer is about six weeks prior to the first frost, this is when grass roots are still active.

Aeration and overseeding in the fall are also extremely beneficial. With aeration adding thousands of tiny holes to your lawn, it relieves any compacted soil, allowing moisture to reach grass roots, and it improves lawn drainage so excess water does not accumulate on lawns. When you overseed, it helps fill in bare and patchy spots that would otherwise be more susceptible to the impact of insects and disease.

The final recommendation for lawn maintenance is to rake up all the leaves in your yard before the first snowfall. When left behind, a pile of leaves can block out light and air from grass and can create bare patches that invite pests and disease to your lawn.

Certified, Trained Lawn Care Professionals

Hiring a professional lawn care service not only saves you time, but it saves you from the worry of when to apply specific products. Your certified lawn care technician will work with you to get you the healthiest lawn possible.

Looking for more information?

If you’d like to know more or are simply ready to speak with someone about your lawn care needs, call us at 866-724-4555 or fill out the form for a free quote today and someone from our team will be in touch!