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For a Lush Lawn, Hire Lawn Squad & Lose the Pests!

Chinch bugs, beetle larvae, armyworms, webworms… besides grossing some of us out, there’s something all these creatures have in common: they love lawns and may love destroying them even more. All About Grubs In the lawn care world here in Southeastern Massachusetts, we use the word “grubs” to refer to the larvae of the Japanese beetle, most active in the …

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Grub Damage

Grubs can be pretty sneaky. On the surface, your lawn may look healthy and green, but grubs could be eating away at its roots, and before you know it, cause severe problems. Grubs can be pretty sneaky. On the surface, your lawn may look healthy and green, but grubs could be eating away at its roots, and before you know …

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Getting Ahead Of Grub Damage

Regardless of whether you care for your lawn yourself or hire a company to do it for you, you expect a thick, healthy lawn that is lush green. Regardless of whether you care for your lawn yourself or hire a company to do it for you, you expect a thick, healthy lawn that is lush green. If you have a …

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Preventing Grub Damage Before It Starts

Before we talk about why it is beneficial to receive preventive grub control treatments, it is important to understand the damage that can be done to your lawn if you do not receive treatment.   Before we talk about why it is beneficial to receive preventive grub control treatments, it is important to understand the damage that can be done to …

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Signs Of Grub Damage

What Are Grubs?   Grubs are a type of larvae that have a milky white coat, brownish head, and when disturbed, curl into a “C” shape figure. They usually appear during the late summer months, but their effects are felt throughout every season. What Are Grubs?   Grubs are a type of larvae that have a milky white coat, brownish …