As the weather begins warming up, you should start thinking about flea and tick prevention. Flea and tick prevention always involves a series of thorough check-in techniques for your pets and family, making sure they have none of these pests on clothing, skin, or hair.
You may be applying repellents to ward off these insects, but what about your lawn? By spraying your lawn with a flea and tick spray, it will help reduce their population, decreasing the chances of you and your loved ones being affected.
Living Conditions
Fleas and ticks are attracted to warm temperatures, between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and high levels of humidity.
As these pests start to emerge, they look for shady, moist areas to inhabit. Both are extremely sensitive to direct sunlight and dry lawn conditions.
Ticks love the shade of tall grass and piles of leaves, so you want to make sure that you are mowing your grass frequently and raking up any piles of leaves that could be left sitting out for a while. You also want to make sure that if you have stacked wood along or near your house, that it is somewhere that gets sun for the area to remain dry.
Dangers Of Ticks In The Lawn
If a tick gets in your lawn, the chances of it getting on you, your pet, or your loved one, increase. Not only are these pests an annoyance to be aware of, but they can transmit diseases and be dangerous.
When a tick burrows their head into your skin or pet, the place where they attach can eventually develop rash-like symptoms – ranging anywhere from mild to severe.
In severe cases, ticks can carry Lyme disease or in rare cases, Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). The most common symptoms of Lyme disease is an expanding red rash, flu-like symptoms, and joint pain. RMSF, although very rare, can cause headaches, fever, rashes, and even kidney failure.
It is safe to say you don’t want to risk getting these in your lawn and affecting you or your loved ones, which is why it is so important to understand flea and tick control.
How Fleas Can Harm Your Pets & Family
There are many different types of fleas out there, but the one we’ll see here in Ohio is called the ‘cat flea.’ These can be found in cats and dogs and are known to be especially hard to remove.
A tell-tale sign that your pet has fleas is if they are biting and scratching at their fur in irritation. While a pet’s reaction to this can lead to reddening of the skin, hair loss and secondary infections, that’s only the first layer of concern.
Fleas can carry numerous diseases, such as rickettsiosis or tapeworms. Symptoms can include fever, headache, vomiting and rashes. Although fleas latch on to pets, humans can get these diseases by just handling the infected pet.
If you’re looking for more information on fleas and ticks and the potential dangers it can have on your pet, click here.
Proactive Approach
As a pet owner, it is important to be aware that fleas are known to hitch rides on pets, making themselves at home in your carpets, blankets, and furniture, so the best thing to do is use a spray to help keep these pests away from your outdoor and indoor living space.
There are many different products out there for DIY, but they all have pros and cons. Licensed professionals apply regulated products and are trained to know how often to treat your lawn.
Although applying a flea and tick spray will help add a line of defense to your lawn, it is important that you still use flea and tick control medication to help protect your pets.