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Yearly Schedule For Lawn Maintenance In Ohio

February might be the shortest month of the year, but it can sometimes feel the longest. It is another month of cold weather and early nights. February might be the shortest month of the year, but it can sometimes feel the longest. It is another month of cold weather and early nights. So, before the warmer weather arrives, it is …

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Finding A Reputable Lawn Care Company In Ohio

With spring around the corner, it’s time to start planning for the upcoming lawn care season. Finding a lawn care company in Ohio that you can trust can be difficult, especially when you Google, “lawn companies near me,” and a long list of them appear. Different lawn care companies can specialize in different treatments such as, fertilizing, weed control, landscaping, …

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Signs Of Armyworms

Armyworms This year Ohio has seen a huge infestation of armyworms. These insects are native to North America and can typically be found in areas of Europe, Africa, and the Mideast. The last time we have seen an infestation of armyworms was the early 1990s. They are believed to have come over with the tropical storms and weather we had …

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Fall Aeration And Overseeding

When it comes to lawn care, many people think they can stop treating their lawn in the fall, but what they don’t know is that lawn care in the fall plays a significant role. This is the time of year you need to prepare your lawn to survive the winter months for it to wake up healthy in the springtime. …

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The Benefits of Slow Release Fertilizer

When it comes to fertilizing your lawn, its hard to know what kind to choose. Professionals recommend to always read the label first before you buy your fertilizer, but this can be overwhelming. There are different types of fertilizer and knowing which one is the best for your lawn can be the difference between seeing results or not. When it …

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Finding A Reputable Lawn Care Company

Finding a reputable lawn care company can be difficult, especially when you Google, “lawn companies near me,” and a long list of them appear. Different lawn care companies can specialize in different treatments such as, fertilizing, weed control, landscaping, or lawn mowing. When you are looking for the right lawn care company that will give you the best results, there …

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There Is No Bad Time To Start Lawn Care

There is no bad time or the “perfect” season to start treating your lawn. The truth is, the sooner you start, the sooner you will see results. Waiting for the “right” season just puts you further behind from seeing results and giving your lawn the nutrients it needs to grow and be healthy. There is no bad time or the …

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What You Should Know About Japanese Beetles!

Japanese Beetles are a common nuisance here in Ohio and before you know it, they will be out in a full feeding frenzy. They not only will be effecting your lawn, but they will be feeding on all your plants, flowers, and leaves. To help prevent damage to your lawn this year, it is important to understand the life cycle …

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Can You Aerate In The Summer?

If your lawn has been struggling to look its best, it has discoloration, thinning grass areas, or just doesn’t seem to be growing as it should be, it may need an aeration.  If your lawn has been struggling to look its best, it has discoloration, thinning grass areas, or just doesn’t seem to be growing as it should be, it …

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Controlling Fleas And Ticks On Your Lawn

As the weather begins warming up, you should start thinking about flea and tick prevention. Flea and tick prevention always involves a series of thorough check-in techniques for your pets and family, making sure they have none of these pests on clothing, skin, or hair. You may be applying repellents to ward off these insects, but what about your lawn? …